Bi, D., Hu, P., Li, Z., Hao, J., Tang, K., Duan,
M., 2024,
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manufacturing with variable-deposition-width, Composites Part A: Applied
Science and
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He, S., Ma, P., Duan, M., 2024, Continuous
fiber path
optimization in additive manufacturing: A gradient-based B-spline finite
approach, Additive Manufacturing, 86, pp.104155. [PDF]
Zhou, Y., Duan, M., 2024, Vibration
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Yang, Y., Zhou, Y., Duan, M., 2024,
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Li, M., Li, H., Ahizlane, A., Liang, C.,
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D., Ma, P., 2024, Mechanical and morphological variations of basalt fiber in
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Duan, M., Cesnik, C.E.S., Kolmanovsky, I. V.,
Vetrano, F.,
2023, Control-oriented modeling for flexible aircraft, Journal of
Aircraft, 60(6),
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Chen, S., Yang, Y., Liu, S., Duan, M., 2023,
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Bi, D., Duan, M., Lau, T., Xie, F., Tang, K.,
2023, Strengthenhanced volume decomposition for multi-directional additive
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Chou, C., Duan, M., Okwudire, C., 2023, A
data-driven feedforward tracking controller for systems with unmodeled
applied to 3D printing, IEEE Access, 11, pp.14563-14574. [PDF]
Hansen, J.H., Duan, M., Kolmanovsky, I. V.,
Cesnik, C.E.S.,
2022, Load alleviation of flexible aircraft by dynamic control allocation,
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Chou, C., Duan, M., Okwudire, C., 2021, A
linear hybrid
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nonlinear dynamics, CIRP Annals - Manufacturing Technology, 70,
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Duan, M., Ramani, K. S., Okwudire, C., 2020,
optimal control of an over-actuated hybrid feed drive under
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Lin, B., Duan, M., Okwudire, C., 2019,
Analytical and loworder numerical modeling of ball-to-ball contact friction
in linear ball bearings and ball
screws, Journal of Tribology, 141(7), pp.071401. [PDF]
Ramani, K. S., Duan, M., Okwudire, C., Ulsoy,
A.G., 2019,
Optimal selection of basis functions for minimum-effort tracking control of
phase systems using filtered basis functions, Journal of Dynamic System,
and Control, 141(11), pp.111009. [PDF]
Duan, M., Okwudire, C., 2019, Connections
control allocation and linear quadratic control for weakly redundant
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Duan, M., Okwudire, C., 2018, Proxy-based
optimal dynamic control allocation for dual-input, single-output
over-actuated systems,
IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, 23(2), pp.895 - 905. [PDF]
Duan, M., Yoon, D., Okwudire, C., 2018, A
filtered B-spline approach to tracking control – with application to
vibration-induced error
compensation of a 3D printer, Mechatronics, 56, pp.287-296. [PDF]
Ramani, K. S., Duan, M., Okwudire, C., Ulsoy,
A.G., 2017,
Tracking control of linear time- invariant nonminimum phase systems using
filtered basis
functions, Journal of Dynamic System, Measurement and Control,
pp.011001. [PDF]
Duan, M., Okwudire, C., 2016,
Energy-efficient controller
design for a redundantly actuated hybrid feed drive with application to
IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, 21(4), pp.1822-1834. [PDF]
Okwudire, C., Ramani, K. S., Duan, M., 2016,
A trajectory
optimization method for improved tracking of motion commands using CNC
that experience unwanted vibration, CIRP Annals - Manufacturing
65(1), pp.373-376. [PDF]
Duan, M., Okwudire, C., 2016, Minimum-time
for CNC machines using an optimal control method with NURBS
International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 85,
pp.1405-1418. [PDF]
Duan, M., Lou, G., Yu, L., Xiao, W., 2024,
"Wind resistant transition trajectory generation of VTOL aircraft under
control allocation framework", AIAA Scitech Forum. [PDF]
Zhang, W., Chen, S., Dong, B., Chen, Y., Deng, X.,
Duan, M., Tang, K., 2024, "Dynamic geometric modeling for directed
energy deposition process", ASME International Manufacturing Science and
Engineering Conference. [PDF]
Duan, M., Liu, S., 2023, "Design,
manufacturing, modelling, and control of a cable-driven parallel robot for
additive manufacturing", ASME Dynamic Systems and Control Conference. [PDF]
Duan, M., Chen, S., Yang, Y., 2023,
"Thermal-image-enabled additive manufacturing process monitoring and
extrusion trajectory compensation", ASME International Manufacturing Science
and Engineering Conference. [PDF]
Duan, M., He, S., 2023, "Continuous fiber
path optimization in composite additive manufacturing", ASME International
Manufacturing Science and Engineering Conference. [PDF]
Pereira, M.F.V., Duan, M., Cesnik, C.E.S.,
Kolmanovsky, I. V., Vetrano, F., 2022, "Model predictive control for very
flexible aircraft based on linear parameter varying reduced-order models",
International Forum on Aeroelasticity and Structural Dynamics. [PDF]
Chou, C., Duan, M., Okwudire, C., 2021, "A
hybrid filtered basis functions approach for tracking control of linear
systems with unmodeled nonlinear dynamics", IEEE International Conference on
Automation Science and Engineering (CASE). [PDF]
Duan, M., Kolmanovsky, I. V., Cesnik, C.E.S.,
2021, "Maneuver load alleviation of very flexible aircraft via nonlinear
decoupling conrol", AIAA Scitech Forum. [PDF]
Duan, M., Cesnik, C.E.S., Kolmanovsky, I. V.,
Vetrano, F., 2021, "Nonlinear control-oriented modeling for very flexible
aircraft", AIAA Scitech Forum. [PDF]
Hansen, J.H., Duan, M., Kolmanovsky, I. V.,
Cesnik, C.E.S., 2020, "Control Allocation for Maneuver and Gust Load
Alleviation of Flexible Aircraft", AIAA Scitech Forum. [PDF]
Duan, M., Hansen, J.H., Kolmanovsky, I. V.,
Cesnik, C.E.S., 2019, "Maneuver load alleviation of flexible aircraft
through control allocation: a case study using X-HALE", International Forum
on Aeroelasticity and Structural Dynamics. [PDF]
Lin, B., Duan, M., Okwudire, C., Wou, J.S.,
2018, "An improved analytical model of friction and ball motion in linear
ball bearings – with application to ball-to-ball contact prediction", ASME
International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition. [PDF]
Ramani, K. S., Okwudire, C., Duan, M., Ulsoy,
A.G., 2018, "A lifted domain-based metric for performance evaluation of LTI
and LTV discrete-time tracking controllers", International Symposium on
Flexible Automation. [PDF]
Duan, M., Okwudire, C., 2017, "Proxy-based
optimal dynamic control allocation for multi-input, multi-output
over-actuated systems", ASME Dynamic Systems and Control Conference. [PDF]
Yoon, D., Duan, M., Okwudire, C., 2017,
"Software-based compensation of vibration-induced errors of a commercial
desktop 3D printer", International Conference on Virtual Machining Process
Technology. [PDF]
Lin, B., Duan, M., Okwudire, C., Wou, J.S.,
2017, "A simplified analytical model of rolling/sliding behavior and
friction in four-point-contact ball bearings and screws", ASME International
Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition. [PDF]
Duan, M., Okwudire, C., 2016, "Modeling and
observer-based compensation of slip in a friction drive for servo
positioning", International Symposium on Flexible Automation. [PDF]
Duan, M., Okwudire, C., 2016, "Near energy
optimal control allocation for dual-input over-actuated systems", ASME
Dynamic Systems and Control Conference. [PDF]
Duan, M., Ramani, K. S., Okwudire, C., 2015,
"Tracking control of non-minimum phase systems using filtered basis
functions: a NURBS-based approach", ASME Dynamic Systems and Control
Conference. [PDF]
Duan, M., Okwudire, C., 2015, "Energy
efficiency and performance optimized control of a hybrid feed drive", ASME
International Manufacturing Science and Engineering Conference. [PDF]
Duan, M., Okwudire, C., 2014, "Minimum-time
cornering for manufacturing machines using optimal control", ASME Dynamic
Systems and Control Conference. [PDF]
Duan, M., Okwudire, C.E., and Ramani, K.S., "Use of filtered basis
splines to compensate servo-induced motion errors,"
U.S. Patent 10585414, issued Mar. 2020.
Magazine Articles
Ramani, K. S., Duan, M., Yoon, D., Okwudire, C. E., and Ulsoy, A. G.,
2018, “Boosting Speed and Accuracy in Precision Motion Control,”
Mechanical Engineering Magazine Select Articles, 140(09), pp. S17-S23.